
Memoirs of the Messed Up Minds IBD

03 / 2007
Art, arquitectura, cinema i fotografia


Edgy, dark, and laced with comedy, this collection of short stories examines the psychological effects the mind can have on a person's life. In 'Come Fly With Me,' Calum turns to alcohol after his marriage fails. His only avenue of escape comes from a realistic recurring dream that he can fly-one that only occurs after he's been drinking. It has a rejuvenating effect on his fragile state of mind, and he can't wait to hit the bottle again and again. 'The Crap Shoot' follows Danny, a struggling writer who discovers that life in the public bathroom of the local park is not what it seems. It's a dark and seedy world of drug dealing, prostitution, and homosexual activity. Going undercover as a homeless man, he vows to write a bestselling story to help launch his struggling career by exposing the appalling activities occurring right under the noses of the local residents. Badly disfigured in a fire accident, arrogant executive Alexander McKenzie has to take stock of his life in 'Burning With Silence.' With his paranoia and anger about to explode, he takes a different job where he is unknown and pretends to be deaf in order to hear what people say about him.
